
Confocal microscopy workshop

We cordially invite you to participate in microscopy workshop during which you will have the opportunity to learn various imaging methods using ZEISS research systems, including: the latest ZEISS Lattice Lightsheet 7 intravital imaging system, ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7 automatic cell culture imaging system with the LSM 900 confocal detector and the Cell Observer SD spinning disk microscope.

The workshop will include lectures (Tuesday) and a practical part (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday).


When? Date: 30.07- 1.08.2024 r.


Where? Venue:

Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS

Pasteura Street 3, 02-093 Warsaw

Lech Wojtczak seminar room (1st floor, main building)

starting at 10 am.

Number of workshop participants during practical sessions is limited to 15 people on a first-come first-served basis.


Please fill in the application form if you want to attend a workshop.
Form is available on