
Acknowledging the Imaging Facility

If you include any images or data obtained using equipment of the Laboratory of Imaging Tissue Structure and Function within your published work please ensure that you acknowledge our Imaging Facility. Please send (to the information (e.g. link, doi, pmid or PDF copy) about any papers published as this information is requested by the funding agencies as an indicator of the usage of the purchased equipment. This will help to justify the continued existence of the Facility, demonstrate its value to the research community and significantly enhance future funding applications.

The following is an example of the wording that you could use (please adjust accordingly to the used techniques):

Standard version

This work was supported by the project financed by the Minister of Education and Science based on contract No 2022/WK/05 (Polish Euro-BioImaging Node “Advanced Light Microscopy Node Poland”). Confocal imaging and 3D reconstructions were performed at the Laboratory of Imaging Tissue Structure and Function which serves as an imaging core facility at the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology and is part of the infrastructure of the Polish Euro-BioImaging Node. 

Short version (In case of limited space)

This work was supported by the project financed by the Minister of Education and Science based on contract No 2022/WK/05. Confocal imaging and 3D reconstructions were performed at the Laboratory of Imaging Tissue Structure and Function which serves as an imaging core facility at the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology and is part of the infrastructure of the Polish Euro-BioImaging Node. 

Very short version (In case of limited space)

This work was supported by the project financed by the Minister of Education and Science based on contract No 2022/WK/05. Confocal imaging and 3D reconstructions were performed at the Polish Euro-BioImaging Node “Advanced Light Microscopy Node Poland”.

More detailed information concerning particular microscopes should be included in the Materials&Methods section of the manuscript.

If the published work has required significant input from the staff of our Laboratory in terms of image acquisition, experimental design, sample preparation, data analysis or manuscript preparation, please remember to include involved person within the list of authors. In case you have any questions please contact Jędrzej Szymański (